Paper joining thirdweb FAQs

FAQs around thirdweb and Paper joining forces

What does this mean for Paper customers?

Nothing changes with how you use Paper today. We’ll let you know well in advance if or when there is any actions you must take. There will be no disruption in service, and Paper will continue to be fully functional for all of your current apps and users’ wallets. You won’t need to create new accounts, update payment methods, or change API keys.

What happens to my Paper account?

Nothing changes! You can still continue to use Paper as is. We will notify you in the future if there are any product changes.

What does this mean for my payment method and billing?

Nothing changes! You can still continue to use Paper as is. We will notify you in the future if there are any product changes.

Do I need to change my API keys?

No need to change your API keys! You can continue to use Paper as is. We will notify you in the future if there are any product changes.

Who is my new point of contact?

If you have a dedicated support manager from Paper, you will have received an email from us identifying your new representative at thirdweb.

If you have any questions about how to move forward, learn more in thirdweb’s announcement post.

Where can I reach out for support going forward?

Please join thirdweb’s Discord community and refer to the #paper-support channel for any Paper-related support questions moving forward.

If you have had a Slack channel with Paper, your new thirdweb point of contact will reach out to set up a new one.

Do I need to redownload my SDK pack?

Nope! Everything will continue working as is.

What happens to my Paper Wallet for all my current apps?

Nothing changes here. All your wallets will stay fully functional.

What happens to our users wallets?

Nothing changes here. All your wallets will stay fully functional.

Are there any changes to the ToS?

Please review thirdweb’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Will there be any disruption in service?

Nope! The service will stay fully functional.

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