Claim from drop contract using contract explorer

This support guide will teach you how to claim using Contract Explorer by calling the claim contract function of your NFT Drop, Edition Drop & Token Drop


This will only work if your claim phase is public for everyone. We recommend using the Claim button, which is much easier than doing this on contract explorer if you have an allowlist.
  1. How to claim using Contract Explorer by calling the claim contract function of your Token Drop contract
    1. Go to your Dashboard and connect your wallet.
    2. Click the Explorer tab from the left panel of your dashboard.
      1. Notion image
    3. After that, click the Write tab and look for the claim function.
      1. Notion image
    4. Use the following reference input values to claim your ERC-20 from Token Drop.
      1. Receiver - The wallet address of the receiver.

        Quantity - The quantity you want to claim from the Token Drop. This should be in wei value.

        Currency - The currency you want to use for claiming the tokens. This should be in wei value.

        Allowlist Proof - You can use the following allowlist proof specifically for public claim phase.

           "proof": [], 
           "quantityLimitPerWallet": "0", 
           "pricePerToken": "0", 
           "currency": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" 

        Data - For this one use []

    5. Done, execute the smart contract function.
  1. How to claim using Contract Explorer by calling the claim contract function of your Edition Drop contract
    1. Go to your Dashboard and connect your wallet.
    2. Click the Explorer tab from the left panel of your dashboard. After that, click the Write tab and look for the claim contract function.
      1. Notion image
    3. Use the following reference input values to claim your ERC-1155 from NFT Drop.
      1. Receiver - The wallet address of the receiver.

        Token Id - The token ID of the token you want to mint.

        Quantity - The quantity you want to claim from the Edition Drop. (e.g. 1)

        Currency - The currency you want to use for claiming the tokens. If you want to use the native currency. Use the following below.


        Price Per Token - The price of each token in wei value.

        Allowlist Proof - You can use the proof values below specifically for the public claim condition.

           "proof": [], 
           "quantityLimitPerWallet": "0", 
           "pricePerToken": "0", 
           "currency": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" 

        Data - For this one use []

        Native Token Value - Calculate it by multiplying the quantity and the price per token in ether value. (e.g. quantity * pricePerToken)

    4. Done, execute the smart contract function.
  1. How to claim using Contract Explorer by calling the claim contract function of your NFT Drop contract.
    1. Go to your Dashboard and connect your wallet.
    2. Click the Explorer tab from the left panel of your dashboard. After that, click the Write tab and look for the claim contract function.
      1. Notion image
    3. Use the following reference input values to claim your ERC-721 from NFT Drop.
      1. Receiver - The wallet address of the receiver.

        Quantity - The quantity you want to claim from the NFT Drop. (e.g. 1)

        Currency - The currency you want to use for claiming the tokens. If you want to use the native currency. Use the following below.


        Price Per Token - The price of each token in wei value.

        Allowlist Proof - You can use the proof values below specifically for the public claim condition.

           "proof": [], 
           "quantityLimitPerWallet": "0", 
           "pricePerToken": "0", 
           "currency": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" 

        Data - For this one use []

        Native Token Value - Calculate it by multiplying the quantity and the price per token in ether value. (e.g. quantity * pricePerToken)

    4. Done, execute the smart contract function.

Can’t get this working? If you’ve followed the above and still have issues, contact our support team for help.

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