Trouble Claiming from the Embed

Fix the most common issues and claim NFTs from your embed

If you’re having trouble claiming from the embed, you’ve come to the right place 😄

In this troubleshooting document, we’ll guide you through some of the issues you may be facing, and how you can fix them to claim NFTs from the embed 🚀

If you still experience an issue or these do not apply, please reach out to us in our Discord or at


General Troubleshooting


“Failed to claim drop” error

  • Check if the connected wallet has enough balance to claim the drop. Most often, this error is the result of insufficient funds in the connected wallet

The embed does not appear

  • Do not browse in incognito/private mode or disable cookies - the embed will not appear in those cases. Use regular browsing mode with cookies enabled.
  • Disable any browser extension that modifies the webpage such as translators, ad-blocker, or devtool extensions.

Embed takes abnormally long or doesn’t load

  • In this case, the RPC connecting your application to the blockchain may be limiting the load time. You can try creating your own dedicated RPC and adding that to your Embed configuration in the RPC Url field. This should resolve the issue in the embed preview below.

Drop is not ready to be claimed

  • Double-check to ensure your claim conditions are set up correctly.

Mobile Troubleshooting


Selecting Metamask opens the App store

  • We are currently implementing built-in solutions for this issue. The most plug-and-play option to improve this for mobile users is to use the src link within your embed code itself. You can redirect mobile users to this src link and the Metamask button should allow the wallet to connect.

Metamask is not in the wallet option

  • We pushed a fix for this on the newest versions of the embed. Please return to the Embed tab on the dashboard, recopy the embed code, and replace the embed code on your website.
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