Run Engine locally

In this support article, you'll learn how to deploy thirdweb Engine quickly to your local machine. No extra configuration or setup is needed. Without further ado, let’s get started!


  • Docker
  • Git
  • NodeJS
  • thirdweb API secret key
  • Admin wallet address
Are you looking for a managed thirdweb Engine? Explore our Cloud-Hosted Engine!

Getting Started

  1. Create a new folder in your local machine and name it “local-engine” or any name you prefer.
  1. Navigate to the folder you created, and then open your terminal.
  1. In your terminal, run (yes, include a dot at the end to specify that you want to use the current directory as your project folder.)
    1. Notion image
  1. Once you have cloned it, check the repo's contents by doing ls -la if you're on a Linux-based machine (you can use GitBash if you're Windows) and dir if you're on a Windows machine if you are using CMD.
    1. Notion image
  1. Fill out the required information to run your Engine locally by opening the .env.example file using nano or vscode . You can do code .env.example to open the file on VS Code and you can do nano .env.example to edit the file within the terminal immediately. Do CTRL+X, press Y, and then Enter to exit and save the Nano mode.
    1. Notion image
      If you don’t have a THIRDWEB_API_SECRET_KEY you can use the following guide to create one via the thirdweb dashboard

      ADMIN_WALLET_ADDRESS = The wallet address you want to use as an admin for your engine. THIRDWEB_API_SECRET_KEY = You can get this from your thirdweb dashboard account. ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD = Your password for your Engine; this can be anything you want.

  1. Start Docker on your local machine. Don't skip this step, or else it will not work.
    1. Notion image
  1. Lastly, run npm run start, and the repo script will install and configure everything for you.
    1. Notion image
      Notion image
  1. That's it! All you have to do is copy the http://localhost:3005 and import it to your thirdweb Engine dashboard.
    1. Notion image

If you decide to use Engine in production, we recommend using our cloud-hosted version, managed by the thirdweb team. Alternatively, you can choose to manage and self-host your own Engine. Learn more about the difference between cloud-hosted and self-hosted here.

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