Cloud-hosted vs self-hosted Engine

In this support article you’ll learn the difference and help you decide between cloud-hosted and self-hosted thirdweb Engine. Without further ado, let’s get started!


  • We'll install, host, and manage for you.
  • Database hosting is on us.
  • Request a version upgrade for your Engine with a click of a button.
  • DDoS protected.
  • Performance, scalability, accessibility, and availability are on us.


  • You'll have to install, host, and manage yourself.
  • You’ll have to take care of your database hosting.
  • You'll have to update your installation manually.
  • You'll set up your own DDoS protection.
  • Performance, scalability, accessibility, and availability will depend on how you set it up and your hosting provider.

If you want to proceed with the cloud-hosted setup, go to your dashboard and click “Add to my plan,” and we’ll create an instance for you to focus on your projects.

You won't be charged until your Engine instance is deployed.
Notion image

Otherwise, follow these steps to deploy your self-hosted thirdweb Engine to your hosting provider.

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