How to retrieve tokenIds from the lazyMint method

In this guide, we'll explore how to retrieve tokenIds using the lazy method in your drop-type smart contracts.


You have to parse the event which the contract emits when lazy minting. For thirdweb’s Drop contracts, the event is called TokensLazyMinted

import { getContract, parseEventLogs } from "thirdweb";
import { lazyMint, tokensLazyMintedEvent } from "thirdweb/extensions/erc721";

const contract = getContract({
	client: yourThirdwebClient,
	address: "your-contract-address",
	chain: yourChain
const sampleMetadata = [
 { name: "nft test" },
 { name: "nft test 2" }
const transaction = await lazyMint({
  nfts: sampleMetadata,
const data = await sendAndConfirmTransaction({
  account: wallet, // could be a private key wallet
const event = parseEventLogs({
  logs: data.logs,
  events: [tokensLazyMintedEvent],

const startingIndex = event[0].args.startTokenId;
const endingIndex = event[0].args.endTokenId;
const result: bigint[] =
  [...Array(Number(endingIndex - startingIndex + 1))]
    .map((_, i) => startingIndex + BigInt(i));
// -- end of code -- //

// Note that if you are using ethers v5, you can try this instead:
const results = [];
for (let id = startingIndex; id.lte(endingIndex); id = id.add(1)) {

That’s it, its that simple & easy!

Can’t get this working? If you’ve followed the above and still have issues, contact our support team for help.

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