How to Find NFTs by Owner for an NFT Drop Contract

When working with NFT drop contracts, you can use a custom script to filter NFTs by owner. This guide will help you create a script using the thirdweb SDK to retrieve NFTs owned by a specific wallet address.

Script to Find NFTs by Owner

Here's a step-by-step guide to create a script that finds NFTs by their owner's wallet address: Step 1: Import this custom extension into your application.

import { ADDRESS_ZERO, type NFT, type BaseTransactionOptions } from "thirdweb";
import { isERC721 } from "thirdweb/extensions/erc721";
import { detectMethod } from "thirdweb/utils";

export type GetERC721sParams = {
	owner: string;
	// (optional) If pass `100` then the code will limit the RPC requests to 100 requests per second
	requestPerSec?: number;

 * thirdweb SDK's `getOwnedNFTs` extension only works if your contract has the extension `IERC721Enumerable > tokenOfOwnerByIndex`
 * This custom extension works for the contracts that don't have such method
 * It also allow you to set a limit on how many RPC requests should per called per second
 * @param options
 * @returns A list of NFTs (type: NFT[])
 * @example
 * // Usage with React
 * const { data, error } = useReadContract(getOwnedERC721s, {
 *	 contract,
 *	 owner: "0x...",
 *	 requestPerSec: 99, // limit RPC reqs to 99 reqs per sec to avoid missing/corrupted data
 * });
 * // Usage with TypeScript
 * const nfts = await getOwnedERC721s({
 *   contract,
 *   owner: "0x...",
 *   requestPerSec: 99,
 * });
export async function getOwnedERC721s(
	options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetERC721sParams>,
): Promise<NFT[]> {
	const { contract, owner, requestPerSec } = options;

	const [is721, has_tokenOfOwnerByIndex] = await Promise.all([
		isERC721({ contract }),
				"function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address owner, uint256 index) external view returns (uint256)",

	if (!is721) {
		throw new Error("Contract is not an ERC721 contract");

	if (has_tokenOfOwnerByIndex) {
		const { getOwnedNFTs } = await import("thirdweb/extensions/erc721");
		return getOwnedNFTs(options);

	const { nextTokenIdToMint, startTokenId, totalSupply, ownerOf, getNFT } =
		await import("thirdweb/extensions/erc721");

	const [startTokenId_, maxSupply] = await Promise.allSettled([
	]).then(([_startTokenId, _next, _total]) => {
		// default to 0 if startTokenId is not available
		const startTokenId__ =
			_startTokenId.status === "fulfilled" ? _startTokenId.value : 0n;
		let maxSupply_: bigint;
		// prioritize totalSupply to save on resources
		// since totalSupply should always be less than nextTokenIdToMint
		if (_total.status === "fulfilled") {
			maxSupply_ = _total.value;
		// otherwise use nextTokenIdToMint
		else if (_next.status === "fulfilled") {
			// because we always default the startTokenId to 0 we can safely just always subtract here
			maxSupply_ = _next.value - startTokenId__;
		} else {
			throw new Error(
				"Contract requires either `nextTokenIdToMint` or `totalSupply` function available to determine the next token ID to mint",
		return [startTokenId__, maxSupply_] as const;

	const allTokenIds = Array.from(
		{ length: Number(maxSupply - startTokenId_ + 1n) },
		(_, i) => startTokenId_ + BigInt(i),

	if (requestPerSec) {
		let owners: string[] = [];

		const tokenIdsArrays: bigint[][] = [];

		for (let i = 0; i < allTokenIds.length; i += requestPerSec) {
			const chunk = allTokenIds.slice(i, i + requestPerSec);

		for (let i = 0; i < tokenIdsArrays.length; i++) {
			const data = await Promise.all(
				tokenIdsArrays[i].map((tokenId) =>
					ownerOf({ contract, tokenId }).catch(() => ADDRESS_ZERO),
			owners = owners.concat(data);

		const ownedTokenIds = allTokenIds.filter(
			(tokenId, index) => owners[index].toLowerCase() === owner.toLowerCase(),

		let ownedNFTs: NFT[] = [];

		const ownedTokenIdsArrays: bigint[][] = [];

		for (let i = 0; i < ownedTokenIds.length; i += requestPerSec) {
			const chunk = ownedTokenIds.slice(i, i + requestPerSec);

		for (let i = 0; i < ownedTokenIdsArrays.length; i++) {
			const data = await Promise.all(
				ownedTokenIdsArrays[i].map((tokenId) =>
					}).then((nft) => ({
			ownedNFTs = ownedNFTs.concat(data);

		return ownedNFTs;
		// biome-ignore lint/style/noUselessElse: Code is cleaner this way
	} else {
		const owners = await Promise.all( =>
				ownerOf({ contract, tokenId }).catch(() => ADDRESS_ZERO),

		const ownedTokenIds = allTokenIds.filter(
			(tokenId, index) => owners[index].toLowerCase() === owner.toLowerCase(),

		const promises: ReturnType<typeof getNFT>[] = =>
			}).then((nft) => ({

		return await Promise.all(promises);

Step 2: Import the custom extension along with other imports into the file where you wish to identify the NFTs owned by a wallet from your collection:

import { defineChain } from "thirdweb/chains";
import { getContract, createThirdwebClient } from "thirdweb";
import { getOwnedERC721s } from "@/extensions/getOwnedERC721s";
import { useReadContract } from "thirdweb/react"; // for ReactJS/NextJS

Step 3: Use the extension to retrieve the NFTs owned by a specific wallet address within your collection.

secretKey should only be used for applications on the backend, clientId must be used for frontend applications.
const client = createThirdwebClient({
    secretKey: process.env.THIRDWEB_SECRETKEY

const contract = getContract({
    chain: defineChain(YOUR_CONTRACT_CHAIN_ID),

// ReactJS/NextJS
const { data, error } = useReadContract(getOwnedERC721s, {
	owner: "Address",

// Typescript
let ownedNFTs = await getOwnedERC721s({
	owner: "Address"

By following these steps, you can successfully find NFTs by owner for your NFT drop contract using the thirdweb SDK


Can’t get this working? If you’ve followed the above and still have issues, contact our support team for help.

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